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Trainee Auditor / Iniúchóir faoi Oiliúint

Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General
Dublin 1, Dublin
Starting salary of €40,208
Closing date
Jan 20, 2025
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Job Role
Trainee Accountant
Public Administration & Regulation
Contract Type
Full Time
Level of qualification

Job Details

Trainee Auditor


The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (the Office) seeks to hire Trainee Auditors to join our team. We are looking for graduates who want to pursue a course of professional studies leading to a qualification with one of the recognised accountancy bodies within the Public Sector.


Having been certified for the 4th consecutive year as a ‘Great Place to Work’ and also recognised on the 2024 list of Ireland’s Best Workplaces™ and Best Workplaces™ for Women in Ireland, The Office is the perfect place to advance your career in a challenging and fast paced environment.


Working for the Office will give you the opportunity to:


  • Become a professional accountant (or continue your development if already qualified)
  • Engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including public bodies and other audit institutions
  • Learn and develop skills for a career in audit, accountancy and the public service

The position of Trainee Auditor involves:


  • working as part of audit teams which carry out the audits of annual financial statements of public bodies such as government departments/offices and State-sponsored, health and educational bodies 
  • reviewing the internal control systems in place in these audited bodies
  • participating in project audits of significant programmes or areas of expenditure
  • participating in performance measurement reviews in the Office’s Performance Audit Directorate
  • participating in inspections of other publicly funded organisations.

Other information:                                                                                                                                              

  • Starting salary of €40,208 Funding and study leave for professional accountancy exams. Flexible working hours Access to hybrid working (up to 60% at home) following an onsite induction period Pension entitlements Excellent career development including opportunities for promotion once qualified. A structured learning and development environment to develop key skills and competencies.

Applications can be made by email to by 12 noon on Friday 17th January 2025 and must include:

•          A cover letter outlining why you wish to be considered for the post and where you believe your skills and experience meet the requirements of the position of Trainee Auditor. Your cover letter should also demonstrate your experience in the competencies associated with the role of trainee auditor. The competencies are as outlined in the Office’s competency framework, available on the Office website;


•          A comprehensive CV clearly showing your relevant achievements and experience in your career to date.


•          Evidence of satisfying one of the criteria set out at 1-4 under essential entry requirements below:


Essential Requirements


Applicants for these positions must, on or before the 17 January 2025:


  1. be a qualified accountant with full membership of a prescribed accountancy body supervised by the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA) (ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, CPA, CAI, AIA)


have a primary honours degree at minimum 2.1 (at least Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications) in any discipline


have sat and passed at least the first level of recognised professional accountancy examinations in an accountancy body regulated by the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA)


have Accounting Technicians Ireland membership AND


Candidates must be fully proficient (read, write and speak fluently) in either English and/or Irish.


Further information can be found in the competition booklet available from Nicola Kane at Morgan McKinley or on the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General website.

Closing Date: 12 noon on Friday 17th January 2025



Earcaíocht Iniúchóir faoi Oiliúint


Tá Oifig an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste (OCAG) ag iarraidh iniúchóirí faoi oiliúint a fhostú chun dul isteach inár bhfoireann. Táimid ag lorg céimithe ar mian leo cúrsa staidéir ghairmiúil a dhéanamh as a dtiocfaidh cáilíocht le ceann de na comhlachtaí aitheanta cuntasaíochta.        


Tar éis é a bheith deimhnithe ceithre bliana as a chéile mar ‘Áit Iontach le hObair Ann’, tugadh aitheantas do OCAG le déanaí nuair a cuireadh é ar liosta 2024 de na hÁiteanna Oibre is Fearr™ in Éirinn agus de na hÁiteanna Oibre is Fearr™ do Mhná in Éirinn. Is é OCAG an áit fhoirfe duit chun dul chun cinn a dhéanamh ar do ghairm i dtimpeallacht dhúshlánach a ghluaiseann go tapa.


Tabharfaidh obair don Oifig deis duit:


  • Bí i do chuntasóir gairmiúil (nó lean ar aghaidh le d’fhorbairt má tá tú cáilithe cheana féin)
  • Dul i dteagmháil le raon leathan páirtithe leasmhara, lena n-áirítear comhlachtaí poiblí agus institiúidí iniúchóireachta eile Scileanna a fhoghlaim agus a fhorbairt le haghaidh gairme san iniúchóireacht, sa chuntasaíocht agus sa tseirbhís phoiblí  


    Is éard atá i gceist le post an Iniúchóra faoi Oiliúint:


    • Oibriú mar chuid d'fhoirne iniúchta a dhéanann iniúchtaí ar ráitis airgeadais bhliantúla comhlachtaí poiblí ar nós ranna/oifigí rialtais agus comhlachtaí Stát-tionscanta, sláinte agus oideachais. Athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar na córais rialaithe inmheánaigh atá i bhfeidhm sna comhlachtaí iniúchta seo. Páirt a ghlacadh in iniúchtaí tionscadail ar chláir shuntasacha nó ar réimsí caiteachais. Páirt a ghlacadh in athbhreithnithe tomhais feidhmíochta i Stiúrthóireacht Tuairiscithe na hOifige. Páirt a ghlacadh i gcigireachtaí ar eagraíochtaí eile a fhaigheann maoiniú poiblí.


  • Tuarastal tosaigh €40,208
  • Maoiniú agus saoire staidéir le haghaidh scrúduithe gairmiúla cuntasaíochta Uaireanta oibre solúbtha Rochtain ar shocruithe oibre hibridí (suas le 60% ón mbaile) tar éis tréimhse ionduchtúcháin ar an láithreán Teidlíochtaí pinsin Forbairt gairme den scoth lena n-áirítear deiseanna ar ardú céime nuair a bheidh siad cáilithe Timpeallacht struchtúrtha foghlama agus forbartha chun príomhscileanna agus inniúlachtaí a fhorbairt. Ba cheart iarratais a a sheoladh le ríomhphost chuig faoi 12 meán lae Dé hAoine 17 Eanáir 2025, agus ní mór an méid seo a leanas a bheith ar áireamh iontu:


    • Litir chlúdaigh ag cur síos ar an bhfáth gur mian leat go gcuirfí san áireamh tú don phost agus an áit a gcreideann tú go gcomhlíonann do scileanna agus do thaithí riachtanais phost an Iniúchóra faoi Oiliúint. Ba chóir go léireodh do litir chlúdaigh freisin do thaithí ar na hinniúlachtaí a bhaineann le ról an iniúchóra faoi oiliúint. Tá na hinniúlachtaí leagtha amach i gcreat inniúlachta na hOifige, atá ar fáil ar shuíomh Gréasáin na hOifige; CV cuimsitheach a thaispeánann go soiléir do ghnóthachtálacha ábhartha agus do thaithí i do ghairm bheatha go dtí seo. Fianaise ar cheann de na critéir atá leagtha amach i bpointí 1 go 4 faoi ‘Bunriachtanais’ thíos a chomhlíonadh:
    Bunriachtanais an 17 Eanáir 2025 nó roimhe




      1. Ní mór duit a bheith i do chuntasóir cáilithe ag a bhfuil ballraíocht iomlán de chomhlacht cuntasaíochta forordaithe a ndéanann Údarás Maoirseachta Iniúchta agus Cuntasaíochta na hÉireann (IAASA) maoirseacht air (ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, CPA, ICAI, AAIA), NÓ
      2. Ní mór duit bunchéim onóracha ag aicme 2.1 ar a laghad (Leibhéal 8 ar a laghad ar an gCreat Náisiúnta Cáilíochtaí) in aon disciplín a bheith agat, NÓ
      3. Ní mór duit pas a bheith faighte agat sa chéad leibhéal de scrúduithe cuntasaíochta gairmiúla aitheanta i gcomhlacht cuntasaíochta a ndéanann Údarás Maoirseachta Iniúchta agus Cuntasaíochta na hÉireann (IAASA) rialáil air, NÓ
      4. Ní mór duit a bheith i do bhall de Theicneoirí Cuntasaíochta Éireann


    Ní mór d’iarrthóirí a bheith lán-líofa (léamh, scríobh agus labhairt go líofa) sa Bhéarla agus/nó sa Ghaeilge.


    Tá tuilleadh eolais faoin gcomórtas le fáil i leabhrán an chomórtais atá ar fáil ó Nicola Kane ag Morgan Mckinley nó ar shuíomh Gréasáin Oifig an Ard-Reachtaire Cuntas agus Ciste.


    Glacfar le hiarratais go dtí 12pm meán lae ar 17 Eanáir 2025





The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General plays a central role in the public accountability process by providing assurance to Dail Eireann on the manner in which public funds have been administered and providing it with reports on matters arising out of audits and other statutory examinations.

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